Blood drive scheduled for April 15

Event to take place in the Welch Activity Center

Caroline Steiger

During one of the blood drives that took place earlier this school year, senior Avaleen Sweeney checks her phone as she makes her donation. The third blood drive of the school year will take place April 15 in the Welch Activity Center.

The school’s third blood drive of the school year is on its way, and here are the details.

According to an email from National Honor Society co-moderator Mr. Joshua Payne-Elliott, the drive will take place April 15 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Welch Activity Center. The donors must be 17 years old, or 16 with a signed parent permission slip, and meet the required minimum height and weight. They have to be in good health and also present a photo ID at registration.

If anyone has any further questions, contact Kristine Pierce at [email protected].

Payne-Elliott said, “Blood is the most precious gift that anyone can give to another person — the gift of life. Along with helping save lives, there are a number of reasons why donating blood is important.” Payne-Elliott also cited the following:

— A single donation can save three lives. One blood donation provides different blood components that can help up to three different people.

— Blood cannot be manufactured. Despite medical and technological advances, blood cannot be made, so donations are the only way to provide give blood to those who need it.

— Blood is needed every two seconds. Nearly 21 million blood component are transfused in the United States every year.

— Only 37 percent of the country’s population is able to donate blood.

— Your friends or family may need your blood someday.