Peer mentor application deadline is March 27

Class moderators encourages juniors to apply

Cathedran file photo

A peer mentor works with a freshman during first semester. Current juniors may apply to be a peer mentor next year, and that application deadline is March 27.

Next year the Class of 2020 will be able to become peer mentors and act as a role model and part time adviser to freshmen.

Interested juniors may read the information posted outside of Mr. Howard Fogel’s room in the stairwell between the science wing and social studies hall. Juniors were also sent an email with a link to a peer mentor application form, which is due March 27 at 1:15 p.m., and is to be turned in to Fogel’s room (4335).

Ms. Katie Klee, Junior Class co-moderator, said she advises all juniors to read through the application and to consider how they can serve as a role model to freshmen next year.

She said, “I think all peer mentors in the past are really glad they did it and from a leadership standpoint, but we just hope all juniors can see themselves as fulfilling this role.”