Last SAT prep class of school year is March 11

Students may sign up by accessing website

Cathedran file photo

English teacher Ms. Laurie O’Brien works with senior Nik Kolosso during the college essay boot camp in August. O’Brien and math teacher Mrs. Rachel Ludington will teach the last SAT prep class of the school year on March 11.

The last SAT prep class of the year is scheduled for March 11, and there is still time for students to sign up.

English teacher Ms. Laurie O’Brien helps students with the English section of the SAT by teaching a class based on the writing, vocabulary and language skills that are tested.

Mrs. Rachel Ludington, an Algebra I and Algebra II teacher, provides a review of the math portion of the SAT.

Students may sign up for the March 11 prep class by going to the school’s website (Go to Academics and then Testing) or seeing O’Brien or Ludington in person.

For anyone taking the test, O’Brien offered some words of advice. She wrote in an email, “Prepare. Practice. You wouldn’t go into any other important performance such as sports, theater or music without preparing, so treat the SAT the same way. Also, do what you’re supposed to do in your math and English classes. Those good habits will help you be prepared. Be well-rested the night before and two nights before the test, and be organized, with ID, pencils, calculator, admission ticket (and approved ID) all ready to go so you don’t have a hectic morning.”

The March 11 SAT prep class will take place in Room 2302 in Loretto Hall and will begin at 6:30 and end at 8:30 p.m. The cost is $150. O’Brien said students should bring a pencil and the calculator they plan to use on the SAT.