Math students participate in national competition

Results should arrive in mid-March, department chair says

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After they took the math competition exam, sophomores Levi Wojtalik and Isaac Michael discuss their solutions.

Students chosen by their math teachers for their high performance in math class participated in the American Math Competition.

Math department chair Mrs. Lisa Ford, wrote in an email, “The American Math Competition is the qualifier for the prestigious American Invitational Mathematics Exam. At CHS, we have the opportunity to select 50 students, 20 from grades 9 and 10 and 30 from grades 11 and 12, to participate.”

Junior Anya Neumeister, who participated in the competition, said that the test consisted of 25 multiple choice questions, and she had 75 minutes to complete it. She said, “There are obviously answer choices that are designed to trick you, so you have to be extremely confident in your answers because if you get it right it’s six points, if you get it wrong it’s zero points, and if you leave it blank it’s 1.5 points.”

She added that if those test-takers want to move on to the next round have to earn a certain number of points throughout the test. Neumeister said, “I do like how its’s a challenge. It’s trying to use a combination of all the different math skills you’ve acquired over the years to solve a problem.”

Ford said she expects the results sometime in mid-March. She will inform the students of their scores, and the top scorers will receive additional recognition.