International Baccalaureate info night set for Jan. 23

Event will take place in the Shiel Student Life Center

Madi Tran

During A period on Jan. 10, students in senior IB English meet in Loretto Hall. Several IB students will be involved in the Jan. 23 IB information night.

On Jan. 23 at 6 p.m., the annual International Baccalaureate information night will take place in the Shiel Student Life Center.

English teacher Mrs. Buffy Van Wienen, who serves as the school’s IB coordinator, said, “It is a night specifically for freshmen and sophomores to let them know about the IB diploma and individual classes they can take. (These classes) are a great opportunity to take IB classes without committing to the diploma.”

Van Wienen noted that attending the Jan. 23 meeting does not bind a student to taking an IB course next year, but simply gives them more information about the school’s IB program and classes.

Senior Abby Thomas takes IB classes and is helping at the event. She said, “The IB information night is for freshmen and sophomores who are considering taking IB courses and juniors who are in pre-IB courses.”

Senior Jack Hutchens also takes IB courses and will help at the information night. He said, “The IB information night is an excellent way to showcase the various disciplines that the International Baccalaureate program can provide and my role is to help organize and coordinate a smooth night.”

The IB information night allows perspective students to consider their options when choosing their classes. Thomas said, “The night permits the IB coordinators and current IB students to inform underclassmen about the IB classes and how it differs from AP courses and other courses a student can potentially take.”

IB differs from other courses available to take in multiple ways.

Hutchens said, “If a student takes one IB class that has equal value to an AP course when some college look at your schedule, but if a student pursues an IB diploma that looks better to some colleges like liberal arts colleges.”

Thomas said, “The IB classes are more inquiry based and more student driven, which means less memorization and it is more open ended.”

IB provides an alternative to AP classes if a student has a certain learning style they favor. Thomas said, “If a student doesn’t do well in a traditional AP style memorization type class and still wants to be challenged and take higher classes, they may do better in an IB setting.”

Van Wienen noted that IB classes push critical thinking, and the multiple writing assessments give students the chance to write in multiple academic areas.

Any freshman or sophomore interested in learning more about the International Baccalaureate program is encouraged to attend.