Teacher, senior share Election Day experiences

Krolewski: ‘Voting was a very powerful experience’

Coming off a busy and butting Election Day around the nation as citizens over the age of 18 cast their votes in the midterm elections, students and faculty who were able to vote returned to school having eagerly exercised their Constitutional right. Votes were cast across the country all day until late in the night, when the final results were tallied.

 Faculty and seniors who were 18 on or before Nov. 6 were encouraged by the school to vote, and many did so.

Social studies teacher Mr. Craig Blanchet, who teaches IB History of the Americas and government and leads We the People was one such teacher voted. “I have always enjoyed the routine of voting days, which is why I never go early. Walking to the place I have voted at for years and catching up with the people I see there makes it a social experience for me, which is a part of the day I look forward to.”

Despite enjoying the experiences that come with the day, actually casting his vote is by far his favorite piece. “Especially this year, I cast my vote with a sense of pride that I had fulfilled my civic duty, and I was encouraged by the unusually large turnout across town that I saw.”

Likewise, senior Richie Krolewski said he enjoyed the chance to be able to do his part to assist in the causes he supports. “Voting was a very empowering experience. Being politically aware for some time now, it was great to finally have an opportunity to be active and express my opinions through my vote,” he said.

As the results of the midterms were announced to the nation, students and faculty alike can be assured that they did their part to make their voices heard. Now, as of Nov. 7, just 727 more days until the 2020 presidential election.