School president provides Centennial update

School has ‘set the pace,’ Bridges says

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Balloons in school colors greeted guests at the 100-year gala last month.

As the festivities from the 100th celebration on the Hill continue, President Mr. Robert Bridges and the rest of the staff have set in place the plans for the Centennial Campaign.

The Centennial Campaign is a fundraising program that is expected to enhance this school in multiple ways. “We have four main areas that we’re planning to use the money toward,” Bridges said. “The first two are more financial, to have some funds going towards an endowment towards student assistance, and we want to pay (our teachers) the best we possibly can.”

The second involve physical enhancements for Brunette Park and a new innovation facility, which will incorporate a new food court style cafeteria that Bridges cited as the Cathedral Cafe. “That way they don’t have to go to Speedway or Starbucks; they can all get it at the Cathedral Café,” Bridges said. He noted that the center also will niclude various flexible STEM learning spaces.

However, there’s more to this campaign than just a blueprint and a dream.

This extensive plan cannot pay for itself.

Bridges and the rest of the team need to raise $25 million. According to Bridges, the campaign has gathered about $20 million so far. Bridges said he doesn’t really plan ever to finish raising money. He said, “Catholic schools are famous for always asking for support.” However , Bridges confirmed that the money needed would be in the bank, so to speak, in about another year.

About the project, freshman Jacob Hasbrook said, “I feel like it’s a great addition. It’s exciting because it makes Cathedral a lot fresher and it will bring more people in.” That in a nutshell is the full intention of this campaign, to give the Hill a new look and to guide more people here.

A few years from now, if the plan goes successfully, more students can receive financial aid. Teachers can be paid more for the work they do. New students can play the sports they are passionate about at Brunette Park. Also, the innovation center will provide a place for students to learn and work easier at the innovation center. “Cathedral has already set the pace.” Bridges said. “This will put us far out in front of the field.”