Librarian gathers items for time capsule

Herron says objects will provide history of school’s 100 years

Cathedran file photo

At the Sept. 14 Mass to celebrate the school’s 100th birthday, Fr. Eric Augustine ’96 blesses the time capsule, which is set to be open in 2068.

The school’s 100th birthday on Sept. 14 was a once-in-a-lifetime event, and its upcoming sesquicentennial will not occur for another 50 years. The 150-year birthday will have an additional surprise, however, as it will feature a time capsule that captures the life of the school at its 100th year.

“The time capsule is a snapshot of Cathedral High School,” said librarian Mrs. Jennifer Herron, who assembled the collection of items. “It is filled with schedules, fliers about events, a yearbook, Shamrauction information, an iPad with a charger, a uniform shirt, a lanyard, things that represent the life of the school during the year,” she said.

The capsule will likely be kept in the new Innovation Center once it is built, Herron said. Until then, the container will remain in the library. Although Herron said she considered burying it, she said she read too many accounts of organizations burying time capsules but later being unable to find and recover the hidden container.

The information contained in the capsule will also be recorded in a gmail account, [email protected]. If gmail and Google still exist in 50 years, the content can be accessed electronically with information stored in the capsule, Herron said.

“We would love it if current students would be able to be present for the opening,” Herron said. After the recent celebration, mark your calendars for another upcoming birthday in 2068.