Bookstore: More than a place for pencils, Pop Tarts

Spirt shop funds provide tuition support

Cathedran file photo

The bookstore/spirit shop is located in the cafeteria and is open on school days from 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Someday, the bookstore/spirit shop may be taken to the next level through expansion in space. Until then, Mrs. Sarah Rogozinski, bookstore manager, is thriving with the area she has.

Last year, the bookstore made $100,000 that went towards tuition assistance. Students who come in regularly to buy food are a large part of this profit. “We have students who come in multiple times a day to get their snacks,” said Rogozinski. Even with those students coming in constantly, Rogozinski said that the bookstore’s most popular items are the One Hundred year apparel such as shirts or even mugs.

While her title is bookstore manager, Rogozinski is able to help out the school with marketing. “If you’re walking around Indianapolis in a Cathedral sweatshirt that’s the best marketing we can have,” said Rogozinski. Through her own ideas as well as suggestions from students, she is able to find designs on sweatshirts, shirts, or other apparel that students, family members, or alumni enjoy wearing around.

Rogozinki explained that while there aren’t any big changes coming in the near future her hope is that someday the bookstore will be relocated. More space would allow uniform pants and more options of apparel to be sold in the the bookstore.

Parent volunteers really enjoy and help run the bookstore everyday. “The Spirit Shop runs because of volunteers at Cathedral,” said Rogozinski. Volunteers come in about everyday during lunch and Rogozinski said that it’s the interactions with the students that really draws them in.

Though she isn’t a Cathedral graduate, Rogozinski understands the love and connections that are made here. “You meet people and you want to stay a part of it. It really is a lifelong connection,” she said.