Campus ministry rolls out new app

Software will allow students to track their service hours

Ava Amos

Mrs. Shannon Fox ’80, director of Christian service, works in her office during G period on Aug. 28. Fox said a new app for students to track their community service hours is now ready for them to access.

Christian service is going electronic this school year with the new MobileServe app for tracking hours. But the reason is more for convenience than the environment.

“I’d like to say it was effort to going green to make our space here on earth a little cleaner, but it’s not,” said Director of Christian Service Mrs. Shannon Fox ‘80. Campus ministry staff were trying to find a way to make the process easier for students, who are required to perform a set number of community service hours each year.

“It seems like the hardest thing for a lot of our students here is to hold on to a piece of paper,” Fox said. Another reason for the switch from paper to electronic because this way students will always have their tracker with them, with the app on their phones The app cost $1,500,  so a little over $1 per student, but Fox said it ultimately cost less to use the app than from using paper to print all the forms. She can also pull up a students service record whenever she wants instead of going through a stack of papers. 

Fox pursued the school using the app after she received an email about it and participated in a presentation. She said Principal Mr. Dave Worland then gave his OK.

“Basically it’s going to record your hours right then and there, so hopefully it’ll be a plus. And the best part about it is we can run all kinds of reports, so at any given time I can find out exactly how many hours the kids are doing,” Fox said.

There’s also a feature for students so that they can create a resume for a college, or if someone is applying for National Honor Society. They had a lot of parents asking if there was a way of their children could track hours online, and that’s what prompted campus ministry to start thinking about doing a switch to an app.

“Not only are the kids excited that are using it, but the agencies that we volunteer with like it,” Fox said about MobileServe, which is said to be easier for everybody all around and people are excited to start using it. 

Fox said the app is available for students to download now.