Librarian issues reminder to return books

Avoid fines, help ensure up-to-date library inventory

Anna Pohl

These books want their friends back.

As the school year comes to an end, students are faced with the daunting task of going through their old supplies and books, determining what to keep and what to throw away. When they do, students might find library books either forgotten or overdue. It is important that these books are given back to the library so that they can returned to their proper place.

“Mainly it’s that we want everything checked back in so you don’t accrue fines,” library assistant Ms. Alannah Cataldo said. A forgotten library book could cost students $30, she said.  

Another reason returning the books is so important is to allow the librarians to plan for the upcoming year. “If things are missing or damaged we need to reorder,” Cataldo said.

Any book checked out through the school library can be returned at any Indianapolis library branch, Cataldo said. So if you find a library book under your bed this summer, you don’t have to come back to campus to return the book. However, if the book is on hold at another library, students may be unable to renew it. If a book needs to be renewed, students should speak to the school librarians, who can be more helpful in that situation, she said.

There are two weeks remaining during which the shipping routes for Indianapolis branch libraries will include this school. After the last day of school, the route will exclude the school until August.

“You can return anything from here at an Indianapolis branch,” Cataldo said. But to avoid any fines or extra travel time, return library books to the school library before leaving for the summer.