Further pothole repair scheduled

School will spend $100,000 this summer

Anna Pohl

Potholes will be a presence on campus until a major seal coat and resurfacing project takes place this summer.

After the winter, Indiana drivers face perennial potholes. Although some roads such as East 56th Street have been resurfaced, the pavement on campus still features several large holes.

Vice President for Operations Mr. Jim McLinn ’70 stated in an email the maintenance staff has filled the holes at least twice, while others were addressed three times during the winter. However, due to the repetitive freezing and thawing from fluctuating temperatures, as well as intermittent rain storms, the asphalt filling the holes washed out.

This past winter, $6,000 was spent for emergency repair work. As the weather warms and becomes more consistent, the  repairs should last longer, McLinn said.

This summer, the school plans to spend more than $100,000 to repair and seal coat the driveway and parking area, McLinn said. During the summers of 2019 and 2020, similar annual amounts will be invested in order to keep these areas in good shape.