Moderator announces immersion trip details

Trip destinations include Ghana, India

Madi Tran

Students who participate in the summer immersion trips will experience the world up close and personal, rather than just through a view of the map that is displayed in the library/media center.

The summer service immersion trips this year will go to Ghana and India, said theology teacher Mrs. Kathryn Lewis.

“The trips will allow students to experience the culture of the countries while experiencing Holy Cross values,” she said.

The trip to India will be in and around one specific city. “In Bangalore, the students will be staying at the Holy Cross brothers’ residence, which is near their school and orphanage,” Lewis said.

During the trip, students will provide service to the children in the orphanage and school. “Students will visit and participate in educational and recreational activities with the students at Abhayadhama Human Development Centre and at Holy Cross School, an orphanage and school run by the Congregation of Holy Cross in the Whitefield neighborhood of Bangalore,” Lewis said.

The Ghana trip will include visiting with the Holy Cross brothers and engaging in the culture of Ghana. “The primary goal is to experience the culture with open hearts and open minds,” Lewis said.

There are very few opening still available for the trips, and they are expected to fill quickly. Any students who are interested should check their Oct. 25 school email for a message from Lewis with further information.