Multicultural assembly showcases diversity

Event provides information about various cultures

In celebration of the school’s diversity, students attended the multicultural assembly during flex on Oct. 24 in the Welch Activity Center. The assembly consisted of singing and dance performances, speeches and a presentation of flags.

Mr. Ken Barlow ’82, vice president for community relations and diversity, expressed excitement at the results  of the assembly and said that he believes it went  well. “We created this assembly to showcase the variety of cultures and ethnicities to bring awareness to our student body. This celebration of culture was not only for our school, but for the entire community to see the diversity we have here,” Barlow said.

The speeches given covered an array of cultures and consisted of religion, customs and population. Junior Tim de Boer presented Germany, junior Abby Thomas presented the Assyrian people, senior Esther Louis provided information about Haiti, senior Emiliana Puello presented the Domican Republic and senior Helen Queis gave background about her home country, the Netherlands.

Speeches were not the only type of presentation given on Oct. 24, though. Barlow said it was important to include a diversity of presentations.

Sophomore Janay Zak performed a duet with her mother, a rendition of the iconic Sam Cooke song that served as a key component to the civil rights movement,  “A Change Is Gonna Come.”

Senior Ann Mammen performed a traditional Indian dance, that she choreographed with her mother. “It was a great experience to be able to represent my culture through dancing, and I hope people know a little more about Indian culture now,” Mammen said.