Latin Dance schedules tryouts

Sessions will take place Aug. 27 and Aug. 29

Members of last year’s Latin Dance team perform during last year’s Homecoming assembly.

Twice a year, pairs of partners show off their skills. At Homecoming and later in the year at the Irish 500, Latin Dance performs the routines they have worked to perfect.

Tryouts will take place Aug. 27 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. and Aug. 29  from 7 to 9 p.m. While many will show up, few will remain. After captains make their decisions, 16 senior couples and four junior couples will be the ones to perform in front of the school.

The fall and spring performances will also have a tryout; however, those who performed in the fall automatically have a spot saved for the spring.

Senior Morgan McEntire, one of this year’s captains, said, “I am excited to meet some new juniors and to create a fun team environment where a bunch of seniors get to dance together.”

McEntire was one of the people in charge of putting together the choreography and said she worries that there will not be enough time for everyone to learn the dance. To create the dance, several seniors meet and come up with moves by just imagining what would be fun.

Along with McEntire, seniors Sofia Alatorre, Wyatt Ferguson and Riley Wunder serve as the captains and will be the ones deciding who makes the cut. McEntire said judging the dancers on two separate nights makes it a bit difficult because not everyone is clearly better than another, and there is no way to compare them side by side without everyone trying out in one night.