Marines to set up information booth on May 1

Military visitors to include alumnus

On May 1, Staff Sgt. Brent Hendricks will set up a booth at which students can drop by and learned more about the United States Marine Corps.

Hendricks said, “I’m coming to show off (Private First Class Bryce Lewis ’16) and also speak with the students at Cathedral about some of the opportunities the military have.”

He continued, “At the booth I will have a bunch of Marine Corps attire and things of that nature for the students to wear around the school and out in the community. Also, I will have a bunch of pamphlets about the college benefits and other benefits we offer. This booth is to also help advertise the Marine Corps.”

Hendricks will be on campus to talk to students during lunch periods. Any student interested should make his way to the booth and see what the military has to offer.

Hendricks said, “I just want to say thanks to all faculty and staff members at Cathedral for giving myself and the United States Marine Corps the opportunity for letting us come and visit the campus and help advertise the military.”