Prom-goers ready to celebrate

‘Gatsby’ theme will be evident at JW Marriott

“The Great Gatsby” prom takes place April 29 at the JW Marriott in Downtown Indianapolis. Students should arrive on campus between 6:30 and 7:30 p.m. to check in with the dance chaperones. From there, people will form a line to be Breathalyzed and proceed to board the buses. Students will return to the school between 11 and 11:30 p.m.

As is tradition, the Junior Class planned the annual dance. A prom committee was formed at the beginning of the year, headed by class co-moderator Ms. Katie Klee, to make arrangements for the big night.

Junior Class president Megan Mattei is a member of the committee and helped to decide the theme of the prom. “We chose the ‘Gatsby’ theme because we wanted it to be really classy and look great in the JW Marriott,” Mattei said.

The prom committee conducted four meetings during flex to strategize and choose a theme. Students on the committee have also volunteered on Friday mornings to sell donuts and raise money for a DJ.

The committee will venture to the JW Marriott the morning of April 29 to meet the designer and set up the ballroom. Most of the decorations are not currently in place, making that morning a busy one.

“I think prom is going to end up looking really cool. The theme, venue, food, DJ and decorations were all carefully chosen; it should be an awesome night,” said Mattei.