Sophomore takes lead in math contest

Mrs. Ford: ‘Who doesn’t love Math League?’

Math League provides more than math extra credit for students. Each of the six tests throughout the school year also give an opportunity for the school to gain points, which are later tallied in a competition against surrounding schools.

The March 14 test marked the last of the Math League assessments offered to students. Now, points will be compared in a final contest. Though students take the tests individually, the top five scores are added to find the school’s total for the ultimate competition.

This year, the school has gained more perfect scores than last year, Mrs. Lisa Ford, math teacher and Math League moderator, said in an email. Perfect scores were received at least once by senior Rachel Kent, freshman Nick Grill and sophomore Blake Lowe.

Though the testing has finished, Math League continues to offer benefits for students and the school. “Anything that offers academics is a good thing,” Mrs. Lisa Hastings-Smith, math teacher, said.

The school’s athletics programs receive much attention, Hastings-Smith said, so Math League provides an opportunity for students with different strengths to display their skills. “It gives students talented in math to show what they are able to do,” she said.

Some math competitions offered by the school are selective, Ford said. “There are a lot of really fine mathematicians in our school, and Math League gives them all a chance to participate,” she said.

Lowe is currently on the Math League leader board. The tests allow him and other students to push themselves academically, he said. “It provides an opportunity for high achieving students to challenge themselves in math,” Lowe said. The revealing of school ranks creates further excitement for math among students.

“Our school benefits when students enjoy the activities here,” Ford said. “And who doesn’t love Math League?”

Final results and rankings are pending.
To view results, go to Rankings prior to the final March test are available using the link