The New Irish SRO

Officer Dom is ready to make Cathedral High School an even better place.

One of Officer Dom’s roles is to be present during lunch periods.

Cathedral High School has welcomed their newest Student Resource Officer, Officer Dominique Smith. She is beyond excited to become part of the Irish family. She is most excited to “bridge the gap between the youth and police enforcement”. Officer Dom is also looking forward to improving the safety plans here at Cathedral High School.

Officer Dom is coming to Cathedral from the Fishers Police Department. One of her most memorable moments from Fishers would be saving a man’s life. It was a regular shift for Officer Dom when she got a call from a man’s wife claiming he was putting himself in harm’s way. Luckily, Officer Dom was right around the corner. When she entered the house, the man was actively trying to end his life. Smith quickly kicked down the door and saved the man. On the way to the hospital, the man was incredibly thankful for Officer Smith saving his life. 

Officer Dom has a husband and an almost two-year-old daughter named Paislee. When off duty here on the hill, Smith works for the Cicero police department. “It is a fairly new job, but so far I’m loving it.” After spending three years at FDP, she is ready to start a new chapter in her