A Time for Giving

How can students fulfill their service requirement before the end of the semester?

The Malarney family and friends volunteer at the Progress House, an addiction treatment center, in Indianapolis.

Christmas: a time of charity and almsgiving, especially for the Catholic community. As the holidays approach, so too does the first deadline for students’ community service requirements.

Freshmen are required to partake in three separate service experiences per semester, while sophomores must complete four. Juniors are working on a two-year-long service project, called the St. Andre Bessette Project, that will be due at the end of their senior year.

Head swim coach and religion and science teacher Mrs. Megan Ahnert said, “Participating in service in the community is an important way for students to become engaged in their school, church, neighborhood, or city. It allows students to . . . give their time and talents (to others).”

Although only a few weeks remain in the semester, there are still many ways for students to complete those service opportunities they may have neglected or forgotten about.

Religion teachers have been updating students’ CORE page on Schoology with community service opportunities in the volunteerism folder. Students can also participate in donation collections, such as coat drives or canned food drives led by food pantries.

Volunteering at a soup kitchen or local parish are other options for students to gain service experiences.

Mrs. Ahnert said, “We often think of all the receiving that happens this time of year, but shifting our perspective and thinking about all of the ‘giving’ that occurs can be truly magical. There are several ways for students to give their time, talent, and treasures to our community.”