Senior Retreats

A truly life changing experience for all of those involved.

A group of last year’s seniors gather together at St. Joseph Retreat Center.

For most Cathedral seniors, the senior retreat is the highlight of their year. Around 90 percent of the senior class attends the retreat. They stay at the St. Joseph Retreat Center in Tipton, Indiana. The retreat is led by Cathedral educators and by the Campus Ministry, they also bring back alumni to speak.

The senior retreat connects the students on a whole other level. They spend 3 nights together and separate into smaller groups. While in Tipton the students really focus on their faith and feeling more like a community with each other. Not only do the students get closer with one another but they get closer with the teacher they are assigned to.

The senior retreat is a great way to get to know all of your classmates and learn valuable lessons. Along with that, the retreat also gives the students an opportunity to grow closer to God and focus on how to value what is important to them and their life.

When the Seniors come back everyone in the school notices a difference in them. The best part of the retreat is that nobody knows anything about it other than the basic information given. The seniors don’t share anything about what they do so it leaves everyone wondering, what is so special about retreat?

Senior, Madeline Taylor, said, “I’m excited for the opportunity, I feel like it’s something I’ve heard about all throughout high school and I’m curious what it is like”.

The first Senior retreat of the year is today, September 13th, and students will be gone for the rest of the week.