Suicide Awareness Month on The Hill

The Empowering Healthy Minds Club hopes to spread awareness and strategies to deal with depression.

A poster outside Ms. Wilson’s room for students to note how they are doing.

The Empowering Healthy Minds Club will have its first meeting on September 12. Club moderator, Ms. Irene Wilson detailed the Club’s plans for the month of September. “(The Club) plans are going on the announcements everyday during suicide prevention week.” Wilson also said that the club will be making yellow ribbons, passing out mints with the new suicide hotline, and hosting yoga later in the month. 

While the club will be discussing suicide throughout the month, the focus is going to be on how to deal with thoughts of suicide. “It is important to put a name to it and not push it under the rug but (it is) important to give people tools on how to deal with stressors,” Wilson said. The message that Wilson wants to relay to the students of Cathedral is that “(they) are loved and that it is important to live in the moment”. 

The club will meet every other Monday and will have a different theme for every meeting. Wilson said that all are welcome to join the club and it is constantly looking for new members to help expand its reach in the school. Wilson said, “We want to start the conversation and hopefully get involved with more clubs.”