Graduation speaker’s advice: Be purposeful

Allison Schneider selected for key role at Commencement

Cathedran file photo

Seniors Nick Bozzelli-Levine, left, and Allison Schneider were voted by their classmates most likely to be elected president. Schneider will give the student speech at graduation on May 23 at Brunette Park.

With the postponement of graduation from May 22 to May 23, senior Allison Schneider now has to wait an extra day to give her speech. But she is ready. 

Schneider went through a lengthy series of steps to earn the honor of being the senior selected to provide the Class of 2022’s perspective at graduation.

“The way this process works is that all the students named summa cum laude are given the opportunity for a chance to speak at graduation. All of us who were interested submitted video previews of what we would say in our speech and we ranked what speaking parts we were not interested in having. After this process, we were all notified what parts we received,” Schneider said.

“It means a lot to me to be selected for this role because it means that the faculty saw something in my writing that they thought would speak to the Senior Class in a very important way,” Schneider said. 

There were several topics Schneider said she believed would impact her class, which made it challenging to have only one objective. “My main goal of the speech is to encourage students to be purposeful about what they do in the future and to recognize the importance of love in everyday life,” Schneider said. 

Originally scheduled for 1 p.m. on May 22, graduation now will take place on May 23 at 6 p.m. The change is due to poor conditions on the field at Brunette Park along with a forecast of heavy rain on Saturday. 

Senior Class co-moderator Mrs. Katie Lewis said,“Graduation will start and end with prayer. It will include speakers like French teacher Mr. Gary Spurgin and also a special visitor from the Archdiocese.”

Lewis added, “We are super excited to honor all of the Senior Class students for all their hard work on the Hill these past four years.”