School to gather for Senior Class Mass

On April 28, the Class of ’22 will be celebrated

Cathedran file photo

At a Mass earlier this school year, students bow before the altar.

Senior Mass, which will be the last all-school Mass of the school year, will take place on April 28 in the Welch Activity Center. 

There will be changes in the Mass this year. Director of campus ministry Mr. David Neeson said, “On normal years (during) senior Mass they also give out awards, but this year there is a separate day for awards. It’s not the traditional senior Mass. This Mass should be (an) hour, just like a normal Mass.”

The awards for seniors will be on May 5.

With this being his first year, Neeson is unsure of the reactions that teachers will have. However, he said that he assumes a lot of the educators will be emotional. “(The teachers) are going to be looking at these 200 plus seniors that we have and realize that they were a small little freshman just yesterday, it seems like. Our educators really, truly love the students they teach, and it is emotional for them to watch those students go on,” Neeson said.

The Mass that is celebrated specifically for seniors and their families when they are in cap and gown is the Baccalaureate Mass. Neeson said that this is the last full class Mass that students experience during their time on the Hill. 

With both of these events coming up, Neeson has some word of enlightenment for the soon-to-be-graduates, Neeson said, “I know Mass isn’t always fully engaging or entertaining, but my advice would be to soak in each and every moment that our school comes together in prayer, because that is what makes us a special school.”