Students win honors at State French competition

Individual honors go to 40 participants

Results from the Feb. 11 state French competition, which took place at Cathedral, have been announced by French teacher Mr. Gary Spurgin.

Cathedral students who earned recognition:

Level 1

Sophomore Harry Clevenger, third place, geography; third place, traditional dance

Sophomore Halle McHugh, fourth place, non-stop speaking; fourth place, poetry recitation

Freshman Claudia Darnell, second place, instrumental music ensemble

Freshman Scarlett Mena, second place, instrumental music ensemble

Freshman Sophie Mernitz, second place, poster with original art

Freshman Jade Miller, second place, poetry recitation; second place, impromptu speaking; fourth place, non-stop speaking

Level 2

Senior Rachel Kent, second place, non-stop conversation; second place, poetry recitation; first place, impromptu speaking; first place, translation

Junior Lauren Walker, first place, poster-original art

Sophomore Alan Morales, second place, non-stop conversation

Sophomore Bobby Wlech, third place, traditional dance

Sophomore Madi Tran, fourth place, scrambled sentences; fourth place, poetry recitation; second place, history and culture

Sophomore Mary Kate Temple third place, non-stop speaking; third place, sight reading; first place, vocal music solo

Sophomore Micayla Ditlevson, third place, traditional dance

Sophomore Natalie Perkins, third place, poetry recitation

Sophomore Sarah Kent, third place, geography; third place, non-stop speaking; third place, traditional dance

Sophomore Taylor Bullock, third place, traditional dance

Level 3

Senior Amy Ling, third place, traditional dance

Junior Catherine Jasper, third place, translation

Junior Franchesca Cardenas, second place, poster-original art; third place, traditional dance

Junior Justice Vaughn, third place, sight reading; fourth place, poetry recitation

Junior Sofia Alatorre, third place, translation

Sophomore Kensington Speer, second place, non-stop conversation; first place, scrambled sentences 

Level 4+

Senior Claire Plump, fourth place, advanced translation

Senior Stephen Vukovits, second place, poster-original art