Sophomore named state’s best sportswriter

Indiana High School Press Association honors Luke Spencer

Megaphone file photo

During his E period newspaper class on April 7, sophomore Luke Spencer works on his assignment for the next issue of the Megaphone.

Sophomore Luke Spencer has won first place in the 2022 Indiana High School Sportswriter of the Year competition sponsored by the Indiana High School Press Association.

Spencer, who serves as the co-sports editor of the Megaphone, Cathedral High School’s student newspaper, is wrapping up his second year on the staff after he took the introductory journalism course in summer school before his freshman year.

Mr. Tony Willis, the Megaphone faculty moderator, submitted Spencer’s work in the annual competition, which invites high school journalism teachers from across Indiana to nominate student work from any of their school’s journalistic platforms for the award. Judges, who are current and former professional sportswriters, review the work and select the overall winner. To be eligible, the content must have been published via a student media outlet during the current school year.

This year, according to Mr. Ryan Gunterman, the executive director of the Indiana High School Press Association, Spencer’s articles were selected as the best in the state among 25 other student finalists whose work was entered in the competition. Gunterman said, “This contest always brings out the best in Indiana high school sports journalism from all regions of the state. Luke should be very proud of this recognition because he earned it.”

Among Spencer’s work that resulted in his honor was a preview of the boys’ varsity basketball season and stories about a State champion wrestler, security at home football games, and four former Cathedral varsity football team members who were playing in the NFL and preparing for their season openers.

Spencer’s recognition will include a certificate and a check for $100 from the Indiana High School Press Association. The runner-up, Brock Kennedy of Floyd Central High School, will receive $50.