Environmental Club to refurbish campus greenhouse

Faculty moderator says project will be time consuming

Ashlynn Bakemeyer

Members of the Environmental Club hope to get the greenhouse back up and running this spring.

As the weather begins to warm, the Environmental Club is starting to look forward to more projects. 

One of the most time-consuming projects in the near future for the club is refurbishing the campus greenhouse. Science teacher Mrs. Jennifer Duffin-Alexander said, “I don’t know all the details yet for the greenhouse. It is located behind the theater and in past years, we were only able to grow vegetables and herbs when it wasn’t too cold outside. We had issues with the heaters tripping the circuit breakers when they would turn on.”

The club is largely led by students, and these students decide on what projects the club will focus on. Duffin-Alexander said, “The Environmental Club members this year would like to get the greenhouse up and running this spring and (grow vegetables to) donate food to a soup kitchen.”

The club members will be responsible for the upkeep of the greenhouse once it is able to be renovated. Duffin-Alexander said, “The greenhouse takes a lot of work. We will have to have schedules for students to sign up and water and check plants during the week and on the weekends. At our next (Environmental Club) meeting we will discuss this in more detail.”

Anyone interested in being a part of the Environmental Club or the restoration of the greenhouse may email Duffin-Alexander at [email protected] to learn more.