With help from students, ShamrAuction to take place Feb. 25

Event on of the most successful in the Midwest says director of events

ShamrAuction has been a long standing tradition. Since 1978, this auction has entertained alumni, parents, donors and friends. Over the years, ShamrAuction has come to raise more than $700,000.

Now, the tradition will continue on Feb. 25 at 5:30 p.m. with an optional Mass at 4:45 p.m. This celebration is known for its creative themes like The Cathedral Bond, Mardi Gras, Great Gatsby, Cirque De Cathédrale and many more.

Because this will be the 40th annual celebration, coming up with a new theme may be challenging to say the least. So, Director of Events Mrs. Monica Pollom and the assistant director of events got creative. This year’s theme will be “ShamRock The Slopes: an Apres Ski adventure.”

“This event will be full of fun, food and festivities, live and silent auctions, complementary valet parking, hors d’oeuvres, open bar, plated dinner, band, and late night buffet included,” Pollom said.

The major benefactors of this event are the students. Because nearly 40 precent of students rely on tuition assistance, donors are an important part of providing those funds for students. Just as students need ShamrAuction, ShamrAuction needs students.

Because this event takes nearly all year to plan, an entire day is required for set up. This is why students get the day off. As soon as students get out of school on Feb. 23 at 3:05, more than 300 volunteers, students and adults alike, take their place in the hallways, setting up for the next night. Transforming the school is a long process and takes care to do it right.

Pollom said, “With everything that has to be done and celebrating 40 years of ShamrAuction, ShamrAuction is one of the most successful fundraising events in the Midwest.”

Typically, students who volunteer are involved in men’s volleyball, National Honor Society and various other groups. NHS participants will receive a point by volunteering.

Anyone can sign up. Those students interested in volunteering can contact Mrs. Mary Myers or sign up via the Sign-Up Genius link sent out to all students.

Other ways students have participated in ShamrAuction is the call-a-thon. This event is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. Students gather to call and raise funds for ShamrAuction by selling tickets. The students participating in the call-a-thon are in the In Our Village class, which plans a trip to Africa in the summer. By participating in this additional fundraiser, they can earn a portion of each ticket sold and receive funds for their trip.

Junior Class president Megan Mattei said, “(The call-a-thon) is a great way for the school to get the word out about ShamrAuction and for students to raise money.”