Summer school registration is now open

Several new classes are among the options for students

Megaphone file photo

The opening of the new Innovation Center was just one of the many highlights of a successful school year.

Spring break is less than a month away, and with enough mental gymnastics, one can be convinced that summer is right around the corner. 

While June and July are prime travel months for some, for others, the first month of summer vacation is spent in classrooms here on the Hill. Summer school serves as the first high school experience for many freshmen, and this year it kicks off with freshman and new student orientation and onboarding on Friday, June 3. The first day of summer school takes place on Monday, June 6, and classes end on Thursday, June 30. 

According to the school website, students are expected to attend all classes, and missing more than two days of a course will result in a grade reduction of 4% per day missed thereafter. Additionally, students must be present for the final exam in their class or classes on June 30. 

Most current students’ summer school experiences have probably been limited to physical education and health courses; however, the course offerings have expanded considerably this year. In addition to the aforementioned dynamic duo, ceramics, economics, journalism, photography and zoology highlight the available opportunities for students. 

Some classes, such as composition and economics, are online, while others, such as debate, faith & film and government, are hybrid courses. Ceramics, journalism, and physical education are among the entirely in-person options. Morning classes go from 8 to 11:30 a.m., with afternoon classes from noon to 3:30. 

Senior Ben Cho took physical education and health before his freshman year. “Both classes were amazing opportunities to meet new people,” he said. “You should take summer school. If you already know people taking it, it is an amazing way to bond with your friends. If you don’t know people, it’s an amazing way to make new friends.” 

For Cho, physical education was how he branched out as a freshman. “I’ve always used the competition in sports to bond with people,” he said. 

Sophomore Monica DeSanto also recommends taking summer school, citing increased schedule flexibility. “(Summer school helped me) have open space in my schedule for a resource (period) my sophomore year,” she said. “It’s a great choice if you want to have a chance to take more classes of your choice such as an art or science elective.”

More information about summer school can be found at this link.