Plans continue for April 23 prom at Crane Bay

Class officers choose Las Vegas as the event’s theme

Megaphone file photo

Just as was the case three years ago, it should be a full house for prom this year. Last year, the event was limited to seniors due to Covid-19.

Upperclassmen should start perfecting their poker faces because the theme for prom is Las Vegas. While prom goers will gamble with fake money, they still shouldn’t take risks and tell, because what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

Prom will take place on April 23 at the Crane Bay Event Center from 7 to 11 p.m. Junior Class co-moderator Miss Laurie O’Brien said, “Generally (students) have to be there by 7:30. There can be exceptions, like sometimes there might be baseball, softball or track. If we know they have games, we obviously make an exception for them. Then generally, we keep (students) there until about a half hour before. So they probably can’t leave until about 10:30 p.m.”

O’Brien said that a sophomore is allowed to come to prom if they are brought by a junior or senior date. However, no freshmen are permitted. 

Although it can be stressful to find a date for prom, O’Brien said, “A lot of people will go in a group. You can go single, with a group of friends or with a date. We usually have quite the variety, and that’s why we do individual pricing with the tickets.”

With the usual attendance of the upperclassmen being only around 75%, O’Brien said that she encourages students to take advantage of the night, because it will be fun. The preparation for prom is fun too. One key step in preparing is  picking out their attire.

About the dress code, O’Brien said, “We encourage either a tux for the guys or a suit and tie, but we’ve had people not get as dressed up. The girls almost always wear dresses, but we’ve had some that do like a cute romper kind of thing. So I would say that it’s formal dress.”

In regards to where the fun will be held, O’Brien said, “It’s a pretty spacious area and it’s really nice. There’s outdoor seating, patios with fireplaces, couches, tables and chairs. There’s room to spread out. If you don’t want to be on the dance floor you can be hanging out and talking to people.” 

The price to get into the venue hasn’t been decided and won’t be until March. The cost of a ticket accounts for things like dinner, refreshments, the venue, dancing, crowns for the king and queen, a DJ and casino games. However, O’Brien said that the two students involved in the best promposal get free tickets to prom.

While prom will be fun it will also be monitored. O’Brien said that faculty will conduct Breathalyzer tests along with having chaperones on patrol. “We want (students) to have fun, but obviously not do anything illegal. Just kind of keep the Christian modesty,” She said.

O’Brien said that they’ve been fortunate with students behaving well because she thinks they appreciate having prom. Although in her time here she hasn’t had to punish bad behavior at prom, there are still consequences for bad behavior. Giving examples of possible repercussions O’Brien said, “Students could face suspension, maybe not walking through graduation, and taking away graduation festivities.”

As a final message to students on what to expect out of prom, O’Brien said, “A cool venue, a fun night. (The venue)  will be decorated and I think (students) will be surprised at how nice it is. We try to make it a really nice experience with really good food, the students get to pick their own music and we have almost like a red carpet. Just expect a dressy, fun evening.”