New leprechauns already are planning for next year

McGinley and Snyder share their goals to keep up school spirit

Jade Zhao

Junior Brody Snyder is carried onto the Welch Activity Center floor after being announced as one of two leprechauns for the next school year. He and senior Max McGinley will share duties.

Juniors Max McGinley and Brody Snyder will take over from seniors Will Mayer and Ethan Pac as next year’s leprechauns, and they are already putting plans in place.

“I have wanted to be a leprechaun here since I was in fifth grade. I would go to my brother’s lacrosse games where there wasn’t a leprechaun and I would get the crowd going,” Snyder said. 

In regards for his reason behind pursuing the task, McGinley said, “I have been thinking about (becoming a leprechaun) in previous years and all my friends have texted me saying I would be great for it, and I feel like I would just let everybody down if I didn’t (become one).”

The current leprechauns asked anyone interested in the position to make a video describing why they wanted to be a leprechaun and why they would be good for the job. McGinley said that he was very talkative and energetic. He said that he can naturally get people fired up and excited. 

Snyder, who is the current Junior Class president,  said, “Anytime I get in front of people some kind of weird instinct kicks in and I just keep going.” 

In regards to their differences in carrying out their duties, Snyder said, “While I am leprechaun I want to focus on creating new ideas. Our leprechaun our freshman year was one of my peer mentors and he told me the more spirit, the more good that happens at Cathedral. So, we will just keep the slope of spirit going up.”

For next school year McGinley said that students should expect a good and fun time and Snyder said, “2022-2023 is going to be a great year for school spirit.” 

With some big shoes to fill, McGinley and Snyder said they are going to piggyback off of each other and work together. “(The upcoming year) is going to go down in the history books,” McGinley said. And he already has a request for next year’s students. Show up and show out.