Administrator reflects on successful J-Term

Student survey shows very positive responses

Jade Zhao

Students in Miss Irene Wilson’s J-Term posted affirmative messages in the hallway outside the library.

From learning how to saddle a horse to playing competitive rounds of euchre, J-Term provided students and teachers with an opportunity to acquire new skills and develop passions. 

Vice principal for academics Mr. Mark Matthews said that nearly all of the feedback from students and educators was positive. “Based on the results from both teachers and students, (J-Term) went very well (with) 94.8% of all students (who took) the survey said they thought it was a great way to spend the first two weeks after Christmas break (and) 92.1% said it was either in the top 25% or among the best of the experiences they’ve had at Cathedral. So that’s pretty good,” he said. 

Nearly every J-Term class went on at least one field trip during the two-week course. Matthews said, “We’re hoping that with fewer Covid restrictions we can have even more planned J-Term trips.”

The process for choosing which classes to offer during next year’s J-Term is similar to the way it took place this year. “We are currently evaluating all of the J-Term classes from this year to see which ones we should offer again. Teachers will be asked if they want to offer the same J-Term course next year or if they would like to do something different. Those who are pretty sure that they want to offer the same or similar class will do that. Others might propose something new,” Matthews said. 

The 2022 J-Term lasted two full school weeks. However, Matthews said, “Next year, because of the way the schedule falls, (J-Term) will only be eight school days instead of 10.”

Matthews said, “We want to make sure that — just like everything we do at Cathedral — we are always evaluating and trying to do better. We’re hopeful that J-Term will just continue to get better as years go by.”