Students get hands-on J-Term experience

Two-week course allows for wide range of ceramics projects

Dana Sanchez

A student uses the wheel in Mrs. Sara Greene’s J-Term ceramics class.

Nearly everyone who takes Ceramics I with Mrs. Sara Greene will return for the next three years to continue through Ceramics II, Ceramics III an AP level ceramics class or independent study. 

For J-Term, Greene hosted a two-week ceramics course. During an interview in her room in Cunningham Hall on Jan. 12, Greene said, “We did lots of wheel throwing projects, nerikomi (and) hand throwing projects. We made plaster molds, too. It’s all independent. Each student does their own work. They’ve had all day to do it so they’ve all flourished.”

All of the students taking the course have already completed at least one ceramics class. Greene said, “Most of them have just finished Ceramics III. There are two AP students and two who have just finished Ceramics II, so it’s fresh in their heads.”

Having six hours for 10 days has boosted each student’s skills. Greene said, “Their confidence level is way up: confidence to experience with glazes, different glazing techniques, different throwing techniques. They have time to screw it up and start over. They’re not pressed for time. They’ve all said that going back to an hour (class period) is going to be terrible.”

While some J-Term classes are leaving campus for various field trips, the ceramics course is just planning on staying on the Hill. Greene said, “The only place we would’ve gone isn’t doing field trips because of Covid-19.”

Greene said, “This has been really good because these kids are all really into it. It’s been really good for them.”