New J-Term class begins its week on the farm

Science teacher hosts students as they learn about agriculture

Maggie Johnson

During the first day of the second week of J-Term, senior Ethan Velazquez takes Woody for a walk. The class met at the farm of science teacher Mrs. Sue Mills.

The purpose of J-Term is to have the opportunity to have new experiences outside of the classroom that are not typically offered. Several students had an especially new experience when they had the chance to visit and work on the farm of science teacher Mrs. Sue Mills.

This J-Term course is titled Farm Life and is led by Mills. On the first day of each week during J-Term, students were able to get familiar with how the farm functions and get comfortable with the animals. Mills has three horses, several chickens and a cat on her farm. Each student had the chance to brush and comb each of the three horses, use a hoof pick to clean the horses’ hooves, lead the horses around an open field and mount one of the horses. Throughout these tasks, Mills taught the students different safety precautions and tips. 

Afterward, everyone went inside to warm up with hot chocolate that was prepared by Mills. For lunch, the students cooked their own meals together. On Jan. 10 they made tacos and baked chocolate cake. Everyone participated in the meal preparation, whether it was chopping the vegetables, cooking the meat or mixing the cake batter.