Freshmen gather for Mass in the WAC

Event recognizes the Feast of St. Andre Bessette

Altar servers seniors Roch Egan, Will Mayer and Quinn Gianoli participate in the procession at end of Mass on Jan. 6.

On the Feast Day of St. Andre Bessette on Jan. 6, the entire Freshman Class gathered in the Welch Activity Center to celebrate Mass during J-Term. 

Fr. Jeff Godecker was the celebrant, along with Fr. Emmanuel Kallarackal. During his homily, Fr. Godecker reminded the students of St. Andre Bessette’s connection to the Holy Cross element of their school. 

After his homily, Fr. Godecker asked all of the students to take a moment of silence to pray for peace among their families and friends. Then, before the ending procession, Fr. Godecker suggested that the students take another moment of silence to ask for peace for themselves. 

Once Mass was complete, director of campus ministry Mr. Dave Neeson told the freshmen, “If you can be anything, be a saint.”