October PSAT scores are now available

Counselor explains results for sophomores and juniors

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School counselor Mr. Martin Kirkwood explained the process for juniors to receive their SAT scores from their March 3 test.

Sophomores and juniors now have access to their PSAT scores from October. Counselors sent an email on Dec. 5 letting students know the steps they should take to get their scores.

School counselor Mr. Martin Kirkwood, said, “We have the students’ test booklets they can pick up from their counselors any time during the school day.”

For those students who are checking their numbers, Kirkwood explained how the PSAT’s highest score is lower than the SAT’s highest score. “The scale of the SAT is 200 being the lowest and 800 in the SAT being highest per section, with a total maximum of 1,600. The PSAT is an easier version as it is given to students who have not taken as much curriculum, so 1,520 is the highest total,” Kirkwood said.

The PSAT helps students get a sense of how their score might affect their college admissions process. “Once scores are imported into Naviance, students will be able to see their scores compared to past students and what they had gotten into different colleges and what scores were accepted by different colleges,” Kirkwood said.

Juniors also can use their PSAT scores to help them prepare when the Class of 2023 takes the state-mandated school-based SAT in the spring.

Kirkwood said, “These past two years colleges have waived these SAT scores due to Covid-19 and likely will be changing moving forward, so (these scores) are important and necessary and likely to be utilized for sophomores especially in the future.”