Nurse offers tips for safe Thanksgiving gatherings

Take precautions if you’re not vaccinated, Mrs. Vogt says

Megaphone file photo

School nurse Mrs. Marianne Vogt ’83 says the situation with Covid-19 is much better for this year’s Thanksgiving, precautions still should be taken.

For the first time in at least one year, and perhaps two, families will gather for Thanksgiving. The roads will be crowded and the airports will return to their pre-pandemic levels. 

But those crowds, and the number of Americans who still refuse to get the vaccine, could present some challenges. 

With safe and effective vaccines and improved treatment, Covid is much less of a threat than it has been over the last several months. But school nurse Mrs. Marianne Vogt ‘83 said it still makes sense to take steps to keep yourself safe. Vogt said, “If meeting in a large group or meeting with people you do not usually meet with, make sure to take extra precautions. Some precautions could include wearing a mask or staying more than six feet apart from others. It is almost impossible to get Covid-19 when the extra precautions are taken.”

It is even more crucial to take the extra precautions when someone is high risk or not vaccinated. Vogt said, “If someone chooses to not get vaccinated, they need to be extra careful and cautious about who they are around and also make sure to be wearing a mask at all times around others because they are a risk to everyone else around them.”

Vogt also mentioned that if someone is at high risk, it is better to stay in their usual group or with people they are typical with on a daily basis. If safety measures are taken, staying more than six feet apart keeps everyone safe. She also mentioned that being outdoors or leaving windows open helps significantly with decreasing the spread of Covid-19.

“As it relates to last year at Thanksgiving time, the spread of Covid-19 has slowed down significantly. Around Indiana, the transmission rate for Covid-19 is around 8 to 10 percent. For Covid-19 to not be dangerous, the transmission rate should be 5 percent or lower.”

“Covid-19 has become significantly better, because people have been vaccinated and maintaining their distances, but it still is crucial to keep taking extra safety precautions to stay safe and keep it from spreading faster again.”

Vogt noted that, unlike the case during the last school year, over Thanksgiving break if someone a student or teacher decides to travel, they do not need to get a Covid-19 test to return to school. 

If experiencing symptoms, Vogt does recommend getting a test and staying home to protect others, especially since this may be the first time in quite a while some family members have gathered. 

Finally, Vogt said, “Here at Cathedral High School, we still have the mask mandate in place for all students and staff for a reason. The main reason is to protect everyone, especially over the holiday to stay safe and as we move into finals week. It is important to realize that wearing a mask makes a tremendous difference and impact. Wearing a mask helps to protect others and yourself, so make sure you continue wearing one and understand the difference it makes.”