It’s not too early to prepare for semester exams

Students will take all their finals over a three-day period

Nicholas Rodecap

The Learning Commons in Kelly Hall serves as a source of math help for students as they prepare for their final exams.

One of the less exciting marks of getting back to some semblance of normalcy is the return of final exams. As upperclassmen may recall from semesters that ended before March 12, 2020, final exams were a stress-inducing mental gauntlet that capped off the academic marking periods.

This year, the exam period will look a bit different as compared to years past. According to Vice Principal for Academics Mr. Mark Matthews, finals will take place over a three-day period instead of past years when they would occur over four days. “On Dec. 15, students will take their Alpha, A and B period finals. On Dec. 16, the scheduled finals are C, D and E. Then, on Dec. 17, we will have finals in F and G,” Matthews said.

According to Matthews, further reminiscent of pre-pandemic finals, the exams will be worth between 10 and 20 percent of the semester grade. Students should check with their teachers to determine what percentage the final exam will count in their classes.

As for the study process, Matthews said it’s always better to start preparing for finals early. “Almost every class will have a study guide to help (the) students’ review,” he said. “Comprehensive finals are an important part of any college preparatory high school’s curriculum, because we want our students to be as well-practiced as possible for their university studies,” Matthews said.

Finals can be stressful for many students, and school counselor Mr. Martin Kirkwood said that if students prepare daily, the exams should take care of themselves. “Comprehensive exams should be an assessment of the application of what (students) have learned over the semester, not necessarily something (students) should just cram for, try to memorize, and later forget,” he said. “Students will need to do some preparation, and the farther in advance they start, the better they will do (on their final exams).”