Planning for school’s first J-Term continues

By Nov. 12, students will know their specific course assignment

Melissa Sheppard

Mr. Mark Matthews, vice principal for academics, provided an update on the plans for the school’s first J-Term.

For students who signed up for two one-week J-Term courses, they should know by Nov. 12 which course they will take each week, according to Mr. Mark Matthews, assistant principal for academics.

As students begin the second semester on the Hill, they will participate in a two-week January term, referred to as J-Term. Matthews noted that J-Term will have a minor effect on the daily schedule. He said, “It really does depend on what class you’re taking, because the regular schedule will be the same except school might start at 9 a.m., but some (J-Term course) selections will be traveling multiple days so they may leave earlier.”

As far as enrollment in specific sections each of the two weeks, Matthews said, “I will have to balance it out so it is evenly split each week so there are roughly the same amount of people taking the class.”

If students still want to change their J-Term selections, they can switch their classes just by emailing Matthews. If the class to which they want to change is available, they can switch before the roster is finalized. The only exception is if a student is signed up for the internship and cannot be paired with someone by December, then they will be put into a different class of their choice.