Multicultural assembly will take place Nov. 5

Holy Cross schedule will be in effect that day

Megaphone file photo

Mr. Ken Barlow ’82 outlined the plans for the upcoming multicultural assembly.

One of the most prominent ways in which Cathedral High School differentiates itself from other schools is through its diverse array of cultures, with students hailing from numerous and varied backgrounds. It should come as no surprise that a celebration of these cultures is in order. 

“The multicultural assembly is our chance to highlight and showcase diverse cultures,” vice president for community relations and diversity Mr. Ken Barlow ‘82 said. Barlow emphasized the importance of focusing on cultures that are actively represented on the Hill. “We can’t get them all, but we try to highlight the cultures that are here,” he said. 

The assembly, which has not occurred since 2019 due to Covid-19, is slated to take place in the Welch Activity Center on Nov. 5, a day that will follow the Day 3 Holy Cross schedule, according to the student newsletter. 

Barlow said the theme for the celebration is “Performing Arts Around the World,” as decided by members of the EMBRACE Club. Typically, the gathering features students who come from the cultural backgrounds that are included in the assembly. In years past, participants, for example, have begun with the Spanish version of the “Our Father,” a way to remind the entire student body that faith is a unifying force in daily life on the Hill.