Blood drive will take place on Oct. 26

Donors must meet age, weight and health requirements

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One of the screens in Kelly Hall displays information about the blood drive on Oct. 26.

A blood drive will take place in the Welch Activity Center lobby on Oct. 26, with students 17 and older (16 with a signed consent form from a parent or guardian) and who weigh 110 pounds or more eligible to donate. Those who wish to participate are encouraged to get a good night’s sleep, eat breakfast, stay hydrated, be in good health and bring photo identification.

Mrs. Beth Wissler, assistant director for enrollment management and National Honor Society moderator, said that blood donations are most impactful for individuals who have suffered from coronavirus, cancer, or other life-threatening illnesses. “It’s not circumstantial that (math teacher Mrs. Lisa Ford), who is a cancer survivor and an NHS moderator, is one of the drivers behind this. She is a huge proponent of donating blood,” she said.

Wissler said that it is never a bad thing for hospitals to have an excess supply of blood. “(Donating blood) is one of the most selfless acts that a person can do for others,” she said. 

Flyers are posted around the school and students who are interested in donating should scan the QR code to sign up. National Honor Society students can earn one service point by donating. 

Wissler said, “Thirty minutes of your time can make a huge difference in somebody else’s life.”