Students will fulfill their philanthropy requirement

About 150 students will work on campus on Oct. 20

Megaphone file photo

About 150 students will be on campus on Oct. 20 for the annual philanthropy day.

The annual philanthropy day will take place on Oct. 20 for those students who did not meet the $250 goal during the fundraiser earlier this school year. Those who reached their goal earn a day off of school, and those who did not meet the requirement will participate in community service on campus.  

Philanthropy Day will be a full school day from 8:45 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. Students will be assigned a group and an adult leader. About 150 students are expected to be there, as well as staff from advancement and the Student Innovation Team. director of philanthropic engagement Mrs. Jean Smith ’97 said that students will help clean, organize and spruce up different areas of the school. Students will also help in the surrounding neighborhood by picking up trash and assisting with lawn care. 

Students are to dress in jeans or sweatpants and spirit shirts suitable for outdoor work. They should wear something they don’t mind getting dirty. Students also should not bring backpacks, iPads or electronics, and are required to bring their own sack lunch, Smith said. 

Smith said, “This day of service reflects the Holy Cross core values of family and excellence because we are taking care of our building and making sure that we put our best foot forward.” 

All students are welcome to attend, even if they have already reached their fundraising goal. By being a part of philanthropy day, they are helping to serve their school and keep Cathedral clean. 

Smith said, “We are so grateful for the students that will be fulfilling their requirements.”