Classes will dismiss early on Oct. 1

Students will be released at 2:05

Megaphone file photo

Mrs. Shannon Braun provided additional information about upcoming asynchronous eLearning days.

The schedule on Oct. 1 has been altered and the activity period for that day has been eliminated to allow for early dismissal at 2:05. 

Since the second semester of last year, students and staff alike have experienced activity periods during the school week. Before it was on Wednesdays, but now it falls on every Day 3. Events such as school Masses, assemblies and activity fairs take up this time slot. This week, however, is slightly different from previous weeks. 

According to Academic Operations Manager Mrs. Shannon Braun, “That (activity) would’ve normally been an activity period, (but) because we didn’t have anything to put in there, instead of trying to create something, we decided to put the activity period at the end of the day. It gives students extra time to meet with teachers and clubs extra time to meet as well.”

With the first quarter wrapping up and fall sports beginning to wind down, many clubs and activities are starting to host their first meetings of the year. Having extra time on Friday to meet with coaches and moderators will be helpful for students to stay on track.

Although this will be a welcome change for some students, it is likely not going to be a precedent moving forward. Braun said, “The timing of it happens to work out for it. There are a lot that students and teachers have on (their) plates, but most of our activity periods have things going (such as) fire drills (and) presentations that are coming up and not immediately planned. Unless there’s empty space and (Principal) Mrs. (Julie) Barthel feels it is more beneficial for students and teachers, then there will be early dismissal, but that will be a rare occasion.”