Learning Commons moves to Room 4335

Students may access free math tutoring in Kelly Hall facility

Melissa Sheppard

Mr. Michael Meyers assists a student in the Learning Commons.

In Room 4335 during office hours and resource periods, Mr. Michael Meyers directs the Learning Commons to help students with math. The Learning Commons, with the assistance of 13 student volunteers, “acts as a secondary resource to math content,” according to Meyers. “If they’re in their core math class and they don’t quite understand what’s going on, they can come here and get some help.” 

The Learning Commons recently moved from Loretto to Kelly Hall in order to be closer to the math department. It is open from office hours until 3:30 p.m. every day. Office hours are from 8 to 8:45 a.m. every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, as opposed to days 1, 3, and 5, as they originally were scheduled at the start of the school year. 

Meyers and the student peer mentors are not the only resources available at the Learning Commons. Students also have access to an online help center. The website can be found in the Learning Commons section of the Cathedral website. Both Cathedral tutors and tutors from around the state are there to help. Meyers said, “It lets (students) get help even if (they’re) stuck at home, either quarantined or if for some reason you can’t make it in face to face.”

The location isn’t the only new development at the Learning Commons. Meyers said, “Some people are assigned here as a math resource, so there are going to be some larger groups that are coming in during their regular resource periods and they are assigned here. We hope to help those students to make sure they stay on top of their math work as more of a structured class rather than individuals walking in whenever they need help.” 

The Learning Commons is ready any time of the day, and Meyers stressed that students are more than welcome. He said, “If people want to come in even if they are just wanting to work on their math homework and don’t want to sit in their resource room, they can just ask their resource teacher to have them come over here, and I’d love to have them.”