Callout for speech and debate team is Sept. 15

Session will provide an overview of the upcoming season

Nicholas Rodecap

A sign on the Hill promotes the speech and debate team.

Any students who are interested in becoming a part of the nationally recognized speech and debate team my attend a callout meeting after school on Sept. 15 in the Shiel Student Life Center.

Moderator and coach Mrs. Jeanne Malone said those who are interested should attend to meet people on the team and to learn how competitions work. She said, “We will have a program where interested students will receive information on (the) schedule and time commitment, and (they will be able to) ask questions.” Malone said students should attend the entire meeting, which will be over by approximately 4:15 p.m. 

Anyone who is interested but unable to attend should email Malone at [email protected].

The 2020-2021 season was the team’s best at the all-State speech finals, which saw them finish third in the team sweeps. “We had a World School Debate team compete at the national finals and (junior) Victory Sampson finished in the top 36 nationally in drama. Lendon Byram also qualified for the national finals in International Extemporaneous Speaking,” Malone said. 

This season, the team hopes to continue its winning ways, but with five talented orators having graduated, there is serious rebuilding that must be done. Malone also said that the team is mourning the tragic loss of Lendon Byram, a talented extemporaneous speaker who passed away on May 1. 

Malone said students are encouraged to come to the callout. She said, “Take a chance and meet new people.”