Two leprechauns make school history

Mayer and Pac share the role as they both promote spirit

Jade Zhou

Leprechaun Will Mayer celebrates the 20-7 victory over the Brownsburg Bulldogs on Aug. 27.

The end of the 2020-2021 school year was filled with anticipation. Speculation was palpable around the Hill: “What will next year look like?” “Will the construction be done?” 

Perhaps the most pertinent question was who would take on the role of leprechaun. At the 2021 Irish 500, the announcement was made that for the first time in the school’s century-long history, there would be two leprechauns. Selected to share the role were Will Mayer and Ethan Pac, who each had their own reasons for wanting to carry on the legacy of their predecessor, Madi Keller, the school’s first female leprechaun.

After the pandemic placed a damper on the rambunctious Irish student section, Mayer and Pac both felt that school spirit needed a boost. “We kind of had a down year last year with Covid-19,” Mayer said. 

“I wanted to bring back what Michael McNulty had going my freshman year,” Pac said. “He always had the student section fired up for game time. With the pandemic, Max and Madi were limited.” 

With restrictions being lifted, Pac said he saw a perfect opportunity to restore the energy brought by McNulty. His accomplice has big shoes to fill, as Mayer received his leprechaun uniform directly from McNulty; a passing-of-the-torch of sorts.  The McNulty-esque energy has traveled with the Irish student section, whether it is in the Welch Activity Center or at Brownsburg High School.

Pac said he feels like he and Mayer are able to feed off of each other, noting how they complement each other well. “I feel that (because of this) we are much better equipped in firing up our student section.” Seeing as the leprechauns’ Number-1 goal is to win the Zone 8 banner, which is awarded to Indiana’s best student fan section, it is necessary to maintain the intensity. “Our goal for this year is to bring back the Irish spirit and hype that was shot down by Covid-19,” Pac said. “Be as loud as you can. Yell, scream and cheer. The Irish nation is unlike any other, so let’s show that to everyone.” 

“We may be small, but we pack a mighty punch,” Mayer said, “We need the banner.” 

Another chapter in the fight for the Zone 8 banner will be written on Sept. 3, when the 2-0 Fighting Irish host the Penn Kingsmen in their first home football game of the season. The forecast calls for comfortable temperatures, clear skies and a packed student section. “Football games are always awesome because so many students show up,” Pac said. 

“Everyone wants to be there and support the Irish,” Mayer said. “It’s going to be awesome.”

Editor’s note: Reporter Daniel Kent contributed to this story.