Freshman Class officers are announced

Patrick Crisp to serve as president

Freshman Class officers are announced

The Freshman Class faculty moderators have announced the names of this year’s class officers.

Patrick Crisp will be the class president, with Mallory A’Hearn, Abbey Beasley, Reina Brooks, Damian Ehrman, Kate Kubacki, Mary Murphy, Ryan Peterson, Morgan Schmidt and Aubrey Vines serving as class officers.

Mrs. Shannon Braun, one of the three class moderators and the freshman experience director, also announced that Sophia Beeson, Maggie Bowles, Isabella Ireland, Josie Myers, Mary Kate Pastorino, Ashley Sylvia, Jarius Thompason and Ellie Wirts will be the members of the freshman student spirit committee.

Mrs. Megan Schmidt and Mr. Aundrey Wright also serve as Freshman Class moderators.