Freshman places second in Holy Cross contest

Parr’s video earns him honors in annual competition

Freshman Sammy Parr finished second overall in the annual Holy Cross essay/video contest.

Freshman Sammy Parr placed second in the annual “Values, Viture, Action” essay/video contest, according to religion teacher Mrs. Cece Kasberg ’83, who said she and her fellow religion teachers have their students participate in this or a similar contest every year.

This year students could either write an essay or make a video explaining how they use and express Holy Cross values in their daily lives. “This year the contest was different compared to the others in the past because of it being the 200th year anniversary of the Brothers of St. Joseph,” said Kasberg.

Freshman Sammy Parr was the highest placing Cathedral student and finished second overall for his video. “I was really excited and proud when I heard the news,” Parr said.

The video’s topic was about Holy Cross values and the virtues of the Brothers of St, Joseph and how to live out those values in your life. “When I made the video, I started brainstorming ideas, then I had my brother help me film, and finally I edited the video,” Parr said.

Kasberg said, “The contest included videos and essays made by students from many different Holy Cross schools, which makes being a finalist a bigger deal, and this year it’s a bigger deal because of everything else students have had to deal with.”

The videos and essays are centered around the values the school teaches its students. “Essays and videos such as these have helped Cathedral students to reconnect with the Brothers of the Holy Cross,” Kasberg said. 

Writing essays or making videos about lessons in religion can help students grow. Parr said, “It was a good way to self reflect about how I live out the Holy Cross values, and I recommend for other students to participate in the future.”