Math department cereal donation drive begins May 7

Teachers are taking boxes in exchange for extra credit

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The math department’s annual cereal drive for the homeless begins May 7.

The math department is assisting senior Madison Ackley in a cereal drive for those in the community who are experiencing homeless or who are food insecure. 

The Dayspring Center helps families all throughout the Indianapolis area. Their mission is, according to their website, to “empower homeless families and their children with the tools and resources to live a healthier, independent way of life.”

They take all kinds of donations, money or actual items. On Dayspring’s website,  a wishlis is posted, as well as direction for how to submit donations.

For the cereal drive, collection days are on May 7, May 12 and May 14. Boxes must be unopened and full-sized. Also, this year, teachers will be accepting an eight-count box of Pop-Tarts as one box of cereal (unopened, of course). It’s recommended to buy what you’d eat since the donations will go primarily toward teenagers and young adults. 

Submissions will take place during office hours (8 to 8:45 a.m.) on designated days. Math teachers will let their students know where to turn in donations. 

One box is worth one point of extra credit, and two boxes are worth two points. It’ll be applied to student’s fourth-quarter grades, and those who are doubling up this year will get separate points for separate donations to each class.

Math teacher Mrs. Lisa Hastings-Smith said, “It’s been a tradition for a couple years now, and we do it to help those in need any way we can. It’s good for students to get some extra points and donate to those who need it most in the process.”