Seniors choose Mr. Cannaday as graduation speaker

Class selects religion teacher to give the faculty speech

Ashlynn Bakemeyer

Religion teacher Mr. Matt Cannaday serves as the faculty moderator of the Theology/Philosophy Club.

Based on a vote by its members, the Class of 2021 has chosen religion teacher Mr. Matt Cannaday to be its graduation speaker. Interviewed during his E period class on April 8, Cannaday said that initially he was “shocked and somewhat terrified as an introvert.”

On April 8, religion teacher Mrs. Cece Kasberg ‘83 told Cannaday that he was chosen as the graduation speaker. Cannaday said, “I was touched and honored because I have taught this class for their sophomore, junior and senior years.”

Cannaday said he doesn’t really feel a lot of pressure as the speaker. “I’m comfortable with this class and I love them. I’m not trying to meet anybody’s expectations. I usually just say what I want to say anyway.” He noted that he has had some members of the Class of 2021 since they were freshmen in his resource. “I thought this particular class was special since their freshman year.”

Cannaday also said he was planning on talking to Mr. Howard Fogel and Mr. John O’Hara ‘02, who were chosen as previous graduation speakers. “Those are the two I remember most recently giving graduation speeches. I also think very highly of both of them. I’ll talk to a couple other people who don’t teach here anymore who I know have given (graduation speeches).”

Cannaday added, “I’m honored that the Class of 2021 chose me. I think they’re a very special class and I’m excited to send them off.”